The first days
A settling-in programme will be agreed with parents/carers prior to admission. A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents and pre-school staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group. This takes longer for some children than for others and parents should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle.
See the Pre-school policy on settling in.
What to wear
In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to dress children in clothes that are easily washable and not too new.
It is good for children to practice the skills which will make them independent. Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet independently and put on and take off their outdoor clothing without being dependent on help from others.
We also ask that children bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear so that we can use our outdoor play space as much as possible. Please ensure that children are adequately protected during the summer months.
Items of clothing including sweatshirts and polo shirts bearing our logo are available to purchase. Please ensure that all clothing is labelled with your child’s name.
Healthy eating
We will provide a selection of healthy snacks, children will be offered milk or water at snack-time. Water is freely available throughout each session but we encourage children to bring their own named water bottle to each session.
We also encourage parents to provide healthy lunchboxes when their child attends Pre-school Lunch Club.